An open-content, electronic journal published by the Animal Demography Unit
at the University of Cape Town

Ornithological Observations, 2013, Vol. 4 - ISSN 2219-0341

Two Kalahari Scrub Robins mobbing a Puff Adder
Elsa Bussiere
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:168-170, published 2013-12-26
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Seasonal and altitudinal variations in an avian assemblage in an inselberg Olea-Buddleia vegetation in the dry Cymbopogon-Themeda grassveld, South Africa
Grzegorz Kopij
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:158-167, published 2013-12-26
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Random time-activity budgets in captive Southern Ground Hornbill Bucorvus leadbeateri (Vigors, 1825)
Mark Cooper and Lara Cooper
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:154-157, published 2013-12-22
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Nest construction by Barred Wren Warbler in central Namibia
Jock Orford, Rosemary Orford, Melle PJ Orford and Peter Cunningham
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:151-153, published 2013-12-21
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Confusion about the distribution of Grey-backed and Wailing Cisticolas in the Southern Cape
Alan Collet
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:147-150, published 2013-12-20
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Pale-winged Starling Onychognathus nabouroup building a nest in a Quiver Tree Aloe dichotoma in the Namibian plains
Ursula Franke
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:143-146, published 2013-12-19
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Living on the edge: Sooty Albatross chick killed by a Northern Giant Petrel
Ben J Dilley
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:138-142, published 2013-10-24
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New breeding record for Yellow-bellied Greenbul at Die Oog Retirement Centre, Mookgopong, Limpopo Province, South Africa
Rihann F Geyser
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:135-137, published 2013-10-20
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First recorded sighting of White-breasted Cuckooshrike in Gauteng?
Robert Tibbitt-Eggleton
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:133-134, published 2013-07-19
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Raider of the Baglafecht Weaver nest: Vervet Monkey
Pieter Cronje
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:131-132, published 2013-07-19
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Art of construction: nest materials used by a Greater Double-collared Sunbird Cinnyris afer
Faansie Peacock
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:127-130, published 2013-07-19
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Variations on the call of the Pel's Fishing Owl Scotopelia peli
Andy Branfield
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:123-126, published 2013-07-07
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Three-banded Courser chicks hatching - eye witness report
Simon Stobbs
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:119-122, published 2013-06-16
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2528AB Pienaarsrivier - Analysis of SABAP1 and SABAP2 data for the quarter degree square
Ernst F Retief
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:107-118, published 2013-06-16
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Cannibalism in the Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill Tockus leucomelas
Derek Engelbrecht
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:104-106, published 2013-06-13
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Population densities of woodland bird species at the Pretoria National Botanical Garden
Vincent Parker
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:94-103, published 2013-06-13
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Evidence of breeding by Diving Petrels and Storm Petrels at Marion Island after the eradication of feral cats
Gregory TW McClelland, John Cooper, Stephen L Chown
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:90-93, published 2013-06-12
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Feral pigs: a threat to ground-nesting birds
JE Fincham and JA Hobbs
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:83-89, published 2013-06-12
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Nest site of Black Saw-wing at Bettys Bay, Western Cape, South Africa
Les G Underhill
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:81-82, published 2013-06-08
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Surprise in the nest box: Great Spotted Cuckoo
Sascha Michel
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:76-80, published 2013-06-08
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Short-tailed Pipit breeding and distribution records from the eastern Free State
Murray Christian
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:72-75, published 2013-06-06
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New distribution records: Black-backed Puffback and Barred Wren-warbler in the Free State
Dawid H de Swardt
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:69-71, published 2013-06-06
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Shadow boxing by birds - a literature study and new data from southern Africa
Joel Roerig
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:39-68, published 2013-06-04
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Vagrant Northern Rockhopper Penguin at Soetwater Beach, Western Cape
Dominic P Rollinson, Chevonne Reynolds and Dane M Paijmans
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:36-38, published 2013-06-03
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Photos of weaver nests: PHOWN progress report to December 2012
H Dieter Oschadleus and Les G Underhill
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:31-35, published 2013-06-03
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Evidence of Yellow-billed Kites Milvus eagyptius fishing during the barbel run in the Okavango pan-handle, Botswana
Glynis Humphrey and Luke Saffarek
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:27-30, published 2013-05-29
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First observations of Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus on Robben Island
E Rueda and RB Sherley
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:24-26, published 2013-02-28
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Artificial nest sites used by Southern Bald Ibis Geronticus calvus
CL Henderson, R Pretorius, D de Wet, E von Fintel
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:19-23, published 2013-02-19
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Foraging frenzy: more than 50 raptors at a termite swarm
Elsa Bussière and Matthew Wijers
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:11-18, published 2013-02-18
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Interspecific interaction involving the Ovambo Sparrowhawk Accipiter ovampensis in suburban Gauteng
Andy Branfield
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:9-10, published 2013-02-12
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African Pipit feeding on monkey beetles
Peter G Ryan, Jonathan F Colville, Mike Picker
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:6-8, published 2013-02-08
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Grey Heron Ardea cinerea "spearfishing" swifts?
RJ Power
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:4-5, published 2013-01-25
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Why should an eagle mob a leopard?
Megan Murgatroyd
Ornithological Observations 2013 4:1-3, published 2013-01-20
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