An open-content, electronic journal published by the Animal Demography Unit
at the University of Cape Town

Ornithological Observations, 2010, Vol. 1 - ISSN 2219-0341

Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiaca hybridizes with Common Shelduck Tadorna tadorna
DH de Swardt
Ornithological Observations 2010 1:63-64, published 2010-12-27
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Growth and development of Crested Barbet Trachyphonus vaillantii nestlings
D Engelbrecht
Ornithological Observations 2010 1:59-62, published 2010-11-22
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Observations of a juvenile Greater Doublecollared Sunbird Cinnyris afer
Trish Strachan
Ornithological Observations 2010 1:57-58, published 2010-11-22
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Interactions between African Openbills and Spotted Thick-knees
Michael A Ford
Ornithological Observations 2010 1:55-56, published 2010-11-12
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Object play of an immature Martial Eagle Polemaetus bellicosus
Derek Engelbrecht
Ornithological Observations 2010 1:52-54, published 2010-11-11
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Notes on the breeding and breeding success of Crowned Lapwings Vanellus coronatus in the southern suburbs of Bloemfontein
DH de Swardt
Ornithological Observations 2010 1:48-51, published 2010-11-06
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Fortieth anniversary conference of the International Wader Study Group: the African contribution
Les G Underhill
Ornithological Observations 2010 1:42-47, published 2010-11-01
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New migration records for the Damara Tern Sterna balaenarum
J Braby
Ornithological Observations 2010 1:38-41, published 2010-10-29
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Annotated checklist of the birds of Banhine National Park, Southern Mozambique
DW Pietersen and EW Pietersen
Ornithological Observations 2010 1:7-37, published 2010-10-21
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On the status of Fulvous Duck and Slaty Egret in Mozambique
V Parker
Ornithological Observations 2010 1:5-6, published 2010-09-17
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Jacobin Cuckoo parasitising African Red-eyed Bulbul nest
DH de Swardt
Ornithological Observations 2010 1:3-4, published 2010-08-31
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First recorded breeding record of feral Common Peacock Pavo cristatus in Africa
TM Leshoro, LG Underhill and BM Dyer
Ornithological Observations 2010 1:1-2, published 2010-08-31
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